Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Garden Arbor - the final touch

I wanted a rustic garden entrance structure made out of twigs. It seemed to be the right thing for this country garden. Mark surprised me one day this week when he created the arbor for me out of tree trimmings - what a guy, it was really a project and he made it happen. The morning glory and moonvine are both out of the ground and reaching up for a place to cling to and hopefully will be ready to climb the arch soon. That will be the glory of The Garden.

The Garden is beginning to take on structure and form including the "pea branches" that will be available for the peas to climb on as they grow; its a rustic trellis for the peas.  The peas, radishes, spinach, some lettuce, kale, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, onions are all up -  and strawberries are flowering -yeah!  Squash, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes & garlic are not up yet. Asparagus is trying its darndest to come up and establish itself. We're told the wild asparagus around here is great but we haven't found any yet. Herbs are doing great. We've been eating radishes, onions and spinach this week. Oh my, there is nothing like the flavor of fresh picked produce from your own garden.

We've had such a cold wet spell this past week that the tomatoes and peppers are still in the house just waiting to get outside and get started with their job. By the end of the day, they are leaning into the french doors and I have to turn them so they stay straight.

We missed the morel mushroom season this year - just got busy with the garden and didn't realize it was a short season. I won't do that next year - I love morels and to think they are growing under trees just waiting to be picked and I missed them. Sigh.

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