If you are someone who loves to look at interior design magazines or finds architecture fascinating or constantly redesigns the spaces you live in, even if only in your mind, then this website is for you, www.houzz.com --- I get a twice weekly online newsletter that stimulates my creative mind in these areas and I love it.
This week the timing of the "Fresh Start For Your New Year" newsletter was perfect. I read it and then as I was taking down my Christmas decorations, I found myself paring down what I returned to the shelves etc.
As this article states, we each must determine how much stuff or clutter we can live with and we are all different. Check this out here...http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/5817590/list?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u213&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery0
Here is one of my projects -- the bookcase.
I LOVE to read so have accumulated what seems like tons of books over the years. When we moved to our small retirement cottage, I began sorting through them and gave some to the local library and sold others to a used book store. However, my bookcase was still crammed with books. So after reading this article, I again sorted through the books and consequently have two very large boxes of books to take to the used book store...again! That allowed me to clean up the bookcase. I'm sure there will be another purging this spring as I continue to live with this mindset.
I still love books and have learned to love my local library. I just rarely buy books anymore.
Since we retired, I have been on a quest to downsize the amount of stuff in our home. Unless it is valuable, special or sentimental, I am moving it out of the house. I ask myself with every purchase, whether it is special enough to bring into our home. Most days the answer is no. For gifts, I prefer consumables, e.g. a new wine or food to love; or a nursery gift certificate or plant for the garden would never be refused!
Our barn was filled with boxes that we hadn't yet sorted through since we moved three and 1/2 years ago! Hard to admit but true. Mark took on the project this winter and sorted through every box. We either gave it away to Good Will, sold it or trashed it. It feels fabulous to have that burden removed and to see the clean barn.
Our modern American society which bombards us with constant advertising on TV, the Internet, DVDs, magazines, papers, billboards, radio etc. and pop culture that glorifies spending and having the newest, latest, designer labeled, greatest has become so pervasive that it is hard to get off the consumer treadmill. We're trying but it is hard. It actually takes effort to stop spending and buying unnecessary things.
I'm working on a lighter life in many dimensions! Living in the country seems to be helping me with that goal.
How much clutter do you live with?
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