Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Dots Have Moved

I'm not sure how the idea started but Mark and I discussed moving The Dot House from the center of the yard near the barn to the other side of the house near the garden. It just made sense for a  number of reasons such as, I could see and enjoy them from the house and they would be protected from the bitter north winds. It made perfect sense to have the chickens closer for their care and closer to the garden so I could more easily give them garden clippings, overripe veggies etc. So the decision was made and the last beautiful day before this bitter cold spell, we moved the Dots (aka chickens - my favorite breeds almost always have dots all over the feathers.

When we had the Dot House built, we asked that it be put on skids. We had tin put on the bottom of the floor to ensure it would be pest proof. Skids would allow us to move the small building when we wanted so that proved to be a good decision.

The first step was attaching the log chain to the anchor bolts on the skids.

Once that was done, we moved the chickens into the Dot House for the ride to the new location.
Slow and easy the house began to move and away we went through the yard down the driveway onto the road...

Mark turns into our garden/orchard area where The Dot House will now reside.
It arrived in great shape, no problems with the building and the chickens were fine.

We chose a spot protected by a stand of cedars. The cedars block the north wind and gives the chickens a large area to roam and feed. We enclosed the entire stand of cedars with fencing so they will be safe and secure. The new location is so protected that even today in the single digits with high winds, the Dots are outside digging and taking dirt baths.

Putting up the fence was a big chore and for me, hard physical work. It was fun too helping it all come together.

The Dot House looks good in its new location just west of the cottage at the edge of the garden.

Their new habitat is lush and the hens took to it right away. I'm sure the pen is full of bugs and seeds and other delicacies.

Another view of the Dot House from the south showing the tree cover. The garden is directly to the left(W) of the Dot House.

The Dot House was next to this tree in the main yard which now looks bare without it but the yard will function better when moving horses and horse trailers around.

View from the west deck shows how close it is now to do the chicken chores. The feed is stored in a container by the deck and the water hydrant is at the edge of the garden.

 My contented Dots enjoying a grain snack to help them stay warm!
We have thirteen Dots and we are getting between 10 - 12 eggs daily! I'd say they are happy in their new home!!


Sandi said...

So interesting to see the process of moving the Dot House. Glad you posted pictures. It makes sense to have them closer to the house. Sometimes the best ideas are right under your nose!!!

Janet said...

Looks like a good plan and thanks for sharing this. And the weather is frigid. Could be a long winter. We didn't get much snow but when the high is 10, that is too early in the year. Stay warm.