Sunday, March 25, 2012

Nature Is Teasing Us With An Early Spring

Oh my, it is glorious in Nebraska right now and we are fully one month ahead of a normal spring. The temperature has been in the 70s and everything is springing out of the ground. Here are some of the harbingers of spring around our ranch...
The birds are beginning to pair up and identify their houses for nesting. Last year we had wrens in this house so there are new tenants this year...

The tarragon is coming up...

Peony peeking through the mulch...

Apricot blossoms...hopefully we'll get apricots this year. If it freezes anytime now, we'll lose our apricot crop this year - again...

Raspberries are thriving and I'm thrilled they made it through the winter...

Alliums and daffodils nearly ready to bloom. Purple and yellow will be gracing the front of the house...

One of six roses that grace our yard and they are all greening up...

Blooming Hellebore - loves shade so I'll definitely put in more this fall...
The girls are enjoying spring freedom and all the green grass and bugs awakening in the yard...

I'm so excited that the garlic is looking healthy and the bed is full so I should have enough - finally - no more long distance garlic from China!

One asparagus stalk brings such promise of yummy-ness ...

Tart luscious rhubarb will be filling jams and pies...
The transplanted daylilies have taken to their new home beautifully. They are now in one of the ground beds surrounding the garden tanks. They will be a lovely addition to the structure of the vegetable garden...

Autumn Joy sedum from my friend Connie is thriving around the deck. She gifted me with another huge batch of sedums this spring so now they are also on the south of the house and framing one bed in the garden. They are so very lovely in the fall here with their tall deep pink blossoms that turn copper as it gets cooler...

The lilacs are forming blossoms (one of my favorites) which will be lovely in a vase with their sweet scent and soft lilac colored flowers...

I love to bring the blossoms inside to enjoy up close. Tulips should be opening any day now.

I'll be adding compost to the garden and flower beds to be topped with a soybean mulch which should give all the plants the start they need and the environment to hold onto moisture for better health. These two compost bins have worked so successfully, that we will be adding two more to the backside. A great use for pallets!
I hope that we don't have a freeze and that all these lovelies will thrive.

Wishing you a lovely spring full of natures treasures,

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